“Garie, you didn’t freeze her vocal cords, did you?”

When Carol did not get any response–such as the question of how she knew Shirabe’s name–she glanced down at the smiling Autoscorer who stood by the iceberg’s side. “Shirabe Tsukuyomi, I’ve brought you here to make you a proposition.” Then, leaning her head over her shoulder as if bored, Carol sighed. “Silence, all of you!” Carol, a vein bulging out of her forehead, thrust her hand out over the room before her, immediately ending all of the dolls’ chattering. “She looks bored, just like me.” A different, higher-pitched voice that reminded Shirabe slightly of Kirika, rang out from her right. “This girl doesn’t seem as scared as I expected her to be.” A voice came from Shirabe’s left, but she couldn’t see the Autoscorer named Phara Suyūf from the position she was trapped in. Now, with this child lording down upon her, Shirabe couldn’t help but be more confused than anything.īut the girl’s introduction–and the doll’s subsequent comment–told Shirabe some important bits of information: Shirabe was trapped by an alchemist named Carol Malus Dienheim locked in a place known as Château de Tiffauges and the doll served this Carol. She was not scared–as if she had blinked, Shirabe suddenly found herself in a large dark room and was immediately encased from the neck-down within a frozen crystal. Shirabe, not having any idea of what was going on, just blinked in silence.

Upon realizing that Garie had been playing her in forcing her to act all high and mighty, a blush crept over Carol’s cheeks as she took her seat. “Master, you’re so powerful~” Garie managed to squeak out, a wide smile plastered upon her face.

Shirabe looked up at the smaller girl who held her captive with a bored expression on her face, a stark contrast to the doll in a blue dress behind her, who was trying to stifle her giggling. Bow before the might of the all powerful alchemist, the murderer of miracles, Carol Malus Dienheim!”Ĭarol stood on her throne with her arms crossed, an angry expression on her face as she looked down her nose at the confused girl with loose black hair who was being held in a block of ice at the base of the steps. “Welcome to my abode, the Château de Tiffauges. As the final syllable entered the air of the hallway, it was immediately drowned out by the explosive burst of rockets being shot towards the wall in front of them. "Duck, death!" Kirika shouted, but her cry was too late. The dark khaki-coloured hair that draped over her shoulders in thin braids that showed off the green highlights that ran through her hair like emerald thread. The sea of Noise in front of Tsubasa and Kanade parted, and a girl in a mountain blue dress and turquoise vest stood in front of the two Symphogear wielders. "You may have gone a bit overboard with the amount of those beasts you summoned." "Dear sister," Garie sneered with a glare. The two warriors stared at the image of Garie's older sister, a scene that Garie could not help but shake her head at. From the data she inputted, the screen changed to show a view of the situation surrounding Tsubasa and Kanade–judging from the camera angle, it was likely taken from a camera implanted within the Symphogear of the latter. The girl did not even look at what she typed, her eyes remained static as she gazed up into the monitor. Bending over slightly, Garie tapped onto a nearby keyboard, her fingers delicately dancing upon the letters.